I got a huge kick out of reading my primary care doctor’s notes about my surgical plans. I quote: “…awaits left breast reduction to achieve symmetry.” I really liked that.
The surgery went well and I’m a bit more symmetrical.
The recovery period is just what my doctor predicted: I feel fine for the most part and have to constantly remind myself to rest and limit my range of motion. I’m a little tender and itchy, but not experiencing pain, fatigue, or much else.
The quiet week has given me a chance to think about symmetry in other areas of life. Another word for it might be balance.
One of my quiet projects has been to re-read Simplify and try to take some of the “Action Steps” that he outlines. I’ve also edited–and burned–a few of my old journals, starting to cull out some of the “stuff” that keeps life from being simple, both physically and emotionally.
I’ve always said that you either have time or money, but never both. Maybe as you get older, it becomes more of a balancing act between time and agility/ability/freedom from restrictions. I have all this time on my hands, knowing that if I rest well, the outcomes will be better.
So, I’m reading, writing, knitting, hand sewing, and editing old journals. I’ve called a few friends and taken a couple of short walks. I’ve obeyed the driving restriction, so I’ve stayed pretty close to home. (A couple friends have taken me out for lunch or breakfast.) When the sun was shining, I rested in the hammock in the my back room, and on colder nights I sat in front of the fire.
On Tuesday I go back to see the doctor, and see what he has to say about returning to work, etc. I know there will continue to be some lifting restrictions so I’m planning on a balanced life throughout November.
If only symmetry were as easy as this.