Hopes and Dreams

I’ve hoped for a lot of things: a new kitchen; retirement; trips to Scotland (Shetland Islands), Sweden and, of course, New Zealand; a built-in swimming pool; a cottage in Michigan; an empty nest 😉

This week we took one step closer to that last hope when Lizi moved into her first apartment with her friend, Siobhan. Even though we’ve been planning it for a couple of years, it never really dawned on me that my dream might be realized. The house feels spacious and empty with one less person. (Though I think she has visited us nearly every day since she moved.)

Lizphoto 3i and Siobhan met in 6th grade and have remained friends for all those years. They met in a special education class, but Siobhan went on to complete a high school and four years of college (including a summer internship in New Zealand.) She works full-time at Loyola’s Animal Lab. For the past two years, she and Lizi have gone out once or twice a week, usually dinner-and-a-movie.

Two summers ago, Lizi texted Siobhan and asked if she wanted to get an apartment. It’s been a process, but it all came together this summer and they finally settled in on Sunday night. They are about 1.5 miles from our house, 2 blocks from the grocery store, 4 blocks from downtown Elmhurst (and my work) and about 500 feet from the train tracks. They are still adjusting to sleeping through the sound of trains going by in the middle of the night.

And they’ve already planned their Housewarming Party.

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Some hopes are realized, some dreams come true.


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