Not by the hair of my chin-y chin chin.

Today a friend took me out for lunch and a manicure, so while I was at it, I had my eyebrows waxed. And while I was at that, I had my chin and part of my face waxed too. Downy blonde hair has been appearing there too! Weird.

Five radiation treatments to go. My skin is red and tender and each treatment seems to make it a little worse. Now I have four creams to slather on. But every day gets me closer to the end of my treatment. I am definitely counting down.

I saw my radiation oncologist today and he says that once I finish my treatment next Monday, I am free to do as I please, without restrictions. I specifically asked if I could leave for Detroit the next day to help out with my parents. Mom is doing fairly well, anxious to return home, but my Dad’s congestive heart failure seems to be worsening and he is concerned about being able to care for her. I’d really like to be with them to help smooth the transition. (I’m planning to take the train to conserve my energy and to take naps whenever they do.)

For now, I’m trying to rest up as much as I can. It’s a slow work week for me, which is good. I’ve had a bit of fun making Kellen a Peter Pan outfit for Halloween and would like to get some longarm quilting done, but I’m really trying to pace myself and stay healthy. The hammock in the back room is a good place to relax, especially when the sun shines.

The big bad wolf seems to be huffing and puffing and planning to blow the house down but I think the foundations are strong and secure, foundations that my parents laid many years ago, that have been strengthened in recent months by your prayers.

Not by the hair of my chin-y chin chin!






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