
I have to admit that when I included my bucket list on my birthday blog, I left out one item. I wrote the list sometime last year and one of my hopes for the future was to “have friends again.”

During that wonderful 30s decade and even beyond, John and I enjoyed being surrounded by lots of fun and special friends. We were involved in a smaller church where we enjoyed the fellowship of people of all ages. We met weekly with small groups that varied in composition over the years, but loved sharing meals, study, and our lives with others on a regular basis. Although we didn’t have family living in the area, we managed to maintain friendships with our brothers and sisters and enjoyed regular reunions. And we developed family-like relationships with closer friends, sharing holidays, life events, vacations, etc.

In the 40s & 50s, we changed churches twice and everybody’s lives got busier. We’ve met new friends along the way and lost touch with some old friends. Our circle of acquaintances grew, but the deep friendships waxed and waned. With the advent of Facebook, we have lots of “friends” but felt–at times–lonelier than ever. I learned to accept the changes, but longed for a return of the kind of friendships I remembered.

When I started copying my bucket list, I couldn’t include my desire “to have friends again.” This past seven months has amply proved that I have a lot of very good friends. While there have been some lonely moments, my sense is that I am overwhelmingly cared for, prayed for, and spoiled with attention and kindness. The last month of birthday celebrations has confirmed that even more. “Make new friends, but keep the old; One is silver and the other is gold!”

There, I can check that off my bucket








(This is a real picture taken from my pool deck. Look carefully to see the sign in the sky!)

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