
Today is November 22nd and my priority today is to take pictures and post a blog. It has been three months since I completed chemotherapy, three weeks since I finished radiation, and about 10 days since the parotid tumor was removed. Here is my head-to-toe review of systems:

photoKewpie doll or Mini Mohawk? My hair is continuing to grow and thicken and I am loving it. If you’re as old as me you might remember the Kewpie doll look. If not, imagine a mini mohawk. The hair at the very peak of my head seems to be a little longer than the rest and mostly standing straight on end. It is still very very soft. Lots of friends have enjoyed rubbing my head of late and I’m not one bit offended. I like to rub it too.

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unnamedI’ve started spending more and more time in public without fake hair. I often wear my halo wig/Allie McGraw cap outdoors but the hair and the hat come off pretty quickly once I’m indoors. At first I needed the hat for warmth and then I needed the hair to cover my scar. I solved that problem by purchasing my new winter hat which can handle both problems at once and is easier to manage. Plus I kind of like the braids.

photo 2I got my stitches out this morning and the doc was happy with my progress. The ear is slightly swollen and numb to touch. I’ve also noticed that I can’t eat dry food on that side of my mouth without a glass of juice in hand. The parotid is a major salivary gland and for now I’m short on saliva. That and the numbness should gradually get better. I’m smiling and that is really all that matters. Oh, and the fact the tumor proved to be a benign pleomorphic adenoma, completely harmless.

Further south, my skin has healed quite nicely from the radiation. The redness is completely gone, most of the peeling has ceased, and there are just a few dark areas left. No itching or tenderness. On Monday I will see the plastic surgeon to see if I can begin filling the expander again.

And last of all, my feet (toes) are numb and tingly most evenings and sometimes during the day. I can’t figure out a rhyme or reason to it yet. I know it is a form of peripheral neuropathy from the Taxol (remember Taxol Toes?) but not sure if it is getting any better or worse. Mostly it is just annoying.

My Mom spent most of this week in the hospital. She was feeling quite good on Monday when she had a blood test done and a follow up visit with her doctor. The test revealed an extremely low hemoglobin (6.0) so the doc sent her to the hospital for a transfusion and dialysis. An overnight stay turned into a lot more tests and unpleasant experiences, but things seem to be back on track. She will return home on Saturday.

Her week seems like my year! I started 2013 feeling just fine and now I have this butch haircut, a cauliflower ear, a plastic pouch in place of my breast, and twinkle toes. But I’m still smiling.


One thought on “Head-to-toe

  1. Glad you’re still smiling! I like the braids too. And the kewpie doll do is nice!

    My lumpectomy is Tuesday. So far, it’s rated as stage 0, so chemo isn’t planned. Just radiation, for which I may try the intubation kind (internal balloon).
    Hugs! Deb

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